The Desire to Feel Better

angles and geometryMany of us struggle with feeling locked into behavioral patterns or realizing that what used to make us feel better doesn’t work anymore. The awareness that something doesn’t work anymore is one thing, but to consciously make new choices can sometimes seem like an impossible task. When we can’t shake a behavior, one of the reasons may be that we haven’t yet gotten to feeling the feelings that drive it.The impulse to act is merely an invitation to bring our awareness to the feelings that accompany the impulse. When we can see an order to act from the ego as a chance to simply observe the action rather than identifying with it or engaging in it, then we can begin to tap into the real motivation behind any action: The desire to feel better.

When we allow ourselves to acknowledge the feelings behind actions and let them move through us, we begin to make the connection between feeling and action. We only ever act upon an impulse because we believe it will bring us a better feeling. We act without thinking because when we feel “bad”, our ego tells us “you will feel better when you take this action”. Yet, how often do we engage in behavior that we think will bring us relief only to realize that it actually leaves us in a place that feels worse? This is the illusion that the ego operates from. It only knows what has worked before. Even when what has worked before no longer works, the ego does not see this. It will continue to send out the same orders to act in the form of impulses to avoid feeling “bad”.

When we begin to compassionately observe what the ego is ordering us to do, and look beyond the impulse to act, then we begin to tap into the feelings. When we feel before we act, we often find that our actions will not in fact bring us the feelings we desire. This is the key. Observe the order to act as what it is…merely an impulse of the ego. After observing the impulse, feel the feelings that are behind the impulse…you will begin to see that generally these are feelings that the ego is trying to protect us from experiencing. When we can allow ourselves to acknowledge those feelings and see that they only want our attention and our love, then we begin to see that they don’t want to destroy us or control us. They only want us to feel them.

We are often afraid of our feelings because the ego tells us that we should be. When we see that feelings are merely a vibrational state and that once they have been acknowledged they can be changed, we begin the process of healing. This takes focus, compassion and the desire to change. When we feel before we act, then we begin to transcend our patterns and behaviors that keep us locked in the undesired or unwanted.
You’ve got to feel it to heal it.

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