The Power of Choice

choose your pathThe power of choice takes on endless forms. Our choices take us from one moment to the next. It’s like a “Choose Your Own Adventure” book unfolding in infinite versions before us. Regardless of where our choices take us, the simplest exercise of personal choice is found in our point of view. We all get to decide how we feel about our current circumstances. We can keep dragging our memories with us, allowing past disappointments and pain to color each new moment. Or we can decide to unload the burden of our perceptions of the past and shift to a more positive expectation. The universe responds to our thoughts, our words, and our actions. However the trump card for all of those is our feelings. The universe will always align with how we are feeling over anything else.

The perspective of another can never influence us unless we allow it to. When an action comes from a place of love and generosity, regardless of how it is received it still carries the vibrations of love and generosity. If someone is not ready to receive love, compassion, healing or joy, that is their choice. Honor that they still have something to learn from staying rooted in negativity. You can acknowledge their pain but you don’t have to join them in experiencing it.

One of the most powerful things a spiritual practice can teach is learning how to stay centered in your power regardless of what is going on around you. There is absolutely nothing to be gained by joining someone in their misery. You can have compassion for those who are suffering without suffering with them You can send love to those who seem to be without it. Whether or not they choose to receive it is ultimately up to them.

When we begin to realize that each individual vibration in turn makes up the collective vibration we can see the power of staying in a positive place no matter what. When we allow another’s negativity to throw us off of our alignment then we have added our own negative momentum to the collective. There will always be people who choose to see things from a negative place. Give them a handful of seeds to plant and they will complain that there are no flowers.

It’s about honoring that everyone has their own path to walk. It’s about living in the knowledge that each of us has, at some level, chosen our circumstances to learn what we most need to learn. We are all walking the path together, but each of us is responsible for our own path.

Find a way to feel compassion and love before you offer help. Find your place of personal power and then offer you hand. Find your center of love and then ask “What can I do to help another find their own center of love”? Pity, guilt, and worry are not noble concepts. They are just crappy, fear based feelings in the disguise of caring and selflessness. Pity, guilt and worry are based in the idea that you or someone else is a victim of life. They are based in the vibration that you or someone else is helpless to change their point of view.

You cannot force another to feel better about their situation. All of the love and kindness in the world will not shift another’s perspective until they are ready to shift. The shift must be internal. It must come from their own personal place of choosing to create a better life for themselves.

When we live from a place of love and compassion, we will be shown ways to help from a place of love and compassion. When we stay steadfast in our own alignment with the powerful truth of who we are, then acts of service and kindness expand our place of alignment with our truth. When we act from a place of guilt or pity or worry, then each act becomes an act of exhaustion and depletion. How does your being exhausted and wrung out do anyone any good?

Do you want your life to be an example of love and compassion and empowerment? Or do you want it to be an example of anxiety and frenzy? Remembering that that the universe will always match our feelings over our actions immediately erases the illusion that what is begrudgingly rooted in guilt or worry is doing anybody any long term good.

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