Love and Light

There’s a spiritually transmitted disease going around that says spirituality is all about airy fairy love and light. Bullshit. That’s only half the story. We came here to master ourselves. Mastery requires us to claim ALL that we are. True healing can never occur until we face and embrace our shadow. Until you are able to sit with the darkest parts of yourself. The parts that you would deem unloveable, and show them the same love and compassion you show the brightest most sparkling parts of yourself, you’ve only done part of your work. To be authentically grounded in who we are, we have to know ALL that we are. So, love & light? Absolutely! But you’ve gotta embrace your demons too. True power comes from knowing your demons and being unafraid to stare them down with love in your heart. True mastery begins when we give all of who we are a space at the table. Until then, our demons will continue to de-rail us in an attempt to be heard. Your job is to give your pain a voice, not shove it aside, throw glitter on it and pretend it doesn’t exist. There is no day without the night.

Love and Light


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