Say Yes

Everything we experience in a lifetime in some way serves the growth and evolution of our soul.

When we begin to accept this it changes everything. Our anger and sorrow is just as important as our joy and happiness. Our success as meaningful as our failure. Our death as pivotal as our birth.

In the end, a singular lifetime is merely a chapter in the book of our soul’s experience. Our soul is the actor who is playing the role of our human self in this lifetime. At some point the performance ends and we remove the trappings of this character. Understanding this brings great freedom. The freedom from being right or wrong, bad or good, saint or sinner. The freedom to experience all of it fully. To say yes to all of our emotional aspects. To see them within the context of a character arc and commit ourselves to playing the character with as much truth and integrity as we can.

Just as an actor is responsible for the choices they make in their performance. So too are we responsible for the choices we make in a lifetime. But we can let ourselves off the hook a little and ease up about it. You can’t fuck it up because you were born to play this role. Literally. So say yes to it. All of it.


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