That Voice is Wrong 

A cognitive understanding of why we feel unworthy is useful up to a certain point. It’s important to know why we think and feel the things we do. Our parents, society, soul choices, physical imbalances and disease. All of these may play a part and can shed light on why we feel or believe we’re unworthy. Understanding is only part of it.

At some point we just have to decide that the voice is a liar. At some point we have to realize that perhaps we’re just up against the biology of cellular memory and neural pathways. Just because our body and mind have learned how to do something doesn’t mean it’s healthy. At some point we have to accept that those fear based voices serve only their own interests of self preservation. They’re not out to get you, they’re just doing what the know how to do.

Consider that perhaps they’re a steward for your power. Perhaps they exist merely to push you to the point when you’re ready to finally stand toe to toe with them; look them in the eye and say “Thank you for being the constant influence in my life that pushed me to the point of deciding to empower myself”. Once you’re able to do that, they have no choice but to return to you the power they’ve been guarding for you. Once you’ve decided that they’re wrong, they eventually learn to keep quiet.

The echoes may continue to reverberate for a while, but in time they become another aspect you’ve learned how to love and to master. Don’t go to battle with them, don’t put up a fight. Simply decide that they’re wrong. They’re an outdated program in a dysfunctional operating system. Time to delete that shit.


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