The Light

The Light never left you. It’s always been here. It’s just been digging so deeply through the shadows that you lost sight of it for a moment. It has not forsaken you. It is not lost. It is the force that has been pushing all of the sticky, tricky, tangled parts of you to the surface. Anything that has been unheard and unhealed has been invited to the fore by The Light. Any aspect of you that has been ignored or brushed aside has now taken its rightful place at the center of your attention.
The Light knows that the Master must make a place at the table for all facets of The Self. The wanted and the spurned, the desirable and the despicable. No guest is unwelcome. No one is turned away.
The Master does not assign the values of good or bad but sees all as an integral part of the whole. The Master knows that upon rising each morning she is dutifully presented with the choices of Fear or Love. She knows that the choice is hers to decide what will carry her on this day.
The Master knows that his lessons will be learned without fail. That whether he decides to walk the path of struggle or to be carried by the flow he will inevitably reach the same place.
The Master doesn’t welcome The Light in spite of The Dark. The Master knows that they are two sides of the same coin. He allows them both a place at the table and understands that the choice of which to engage is always his.
So on this day of the Winter Solstice give thanks to The Darkness for all that it has held for us. Show gratitude for the lessons learned, the strength forged and the shelter it has provided for all of the shadow stuff we tried to ignore.
The patience of The Shadow has been unwavering as it has held the last vestiges of the old self until it was time for us to face them. They only ever wanted an audience with you. They were quietly waiting for you to summon them forth. Now they are here and it is time to welcome them with open arms. Now is the time to celebrate the return of The Light from the depths of your inner landscape. It has always been here, it just had some work to do. The Light holds unconditional Love and Compassion for all beings.
The Master’s task is to now do the same for all aspects of herself.
As above, so below.
The Master knows that now he is called to step forward to Love all beings with the same unconditional Love that The Light holds for him.
This is the cause for celebration on this Solstice. What you’ve been given by All That Is now flows from your heart to all living things.
This is the emergence of The Divine Human. This is the return of The Light.

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