Creator or Reactor

Are you a Creator or a reactor?
Both words hold the exact same letters, but the differences are major.
A reactor spends a lot of time pointing their finger. Blaming their boss, their spouse, their job, their finances, and the world at large for their situation. They sit in victim mode, placing the keys to their liberation and happiness outside of themselves. They aren’t able to fathom how things can ever get better. They often feel powerless and blocked. They step up to the threshold of change, but seldom allow themselves to cross. 
A Creator knows that they are the one creating their life. They hold themselves accountable for their experience. Creators know that vulnerability is a super power and that feeling their emotions is a key to healing. Creators use the bedrock of their personal truth as the foundation on which to build their life. Creators experience the effortlessness of conscious creation. They flow with life, they assert healthy boundaries and thrive in their experience. A creator learns to welcome change and embrace chaos. 
We’re three weeks into a brand new year, and many of us are feeling that familiar pull. The pull to give up on our goals and just go back to the old way. The old excuses are lining up: “It’s too hard, I’ll never be able to make it”
“I don’t deserve it”
“I guess I can never be happy”
“I just don’t have what it takes”
What if this year there was another way? What if you could actually be happy ?What if you could create the life you dream of? What if you could start making positive changes right this second? What if you could unlock your inner Creator?

I’ll tell you a secret: You’re already a Creator. You’ve been creating your experience since the day you were born, but most likely it’s been by default. This can be the year where you rearrange things and make major shifts in your life.
The good news is that you can. The good news is that you can start today. You can start now. And I can help.
I know what it takes to move from reactor to Creator because I’ve done it in my own life. I know what it feels like to wake up in a life that feels like a prison. I know that it feels like to go to bed hoping you never wake up. I’ve been there. 
This year I’d love to share the methods, techniques, and tools that I have used to transform my own life and the lives of others.
This work offers the keys to unlock lasting, positive, change.
This year I’d love to work with you.
Only you know what truth feels like and I know I can help you find it.
Send me a message and let’s talk about what’s going on with you. Let’s talk about your goals. I know I can help you reach them. Through one on one sessions, group events, and the Mastery Mentorship program, I walk with you, assisting you in your journey of transformation from reactor to Creator.
If I can do it, so can you. If my clients can do it, so can you. 
You can move from a life that feels like a prison to a life that feels like paradise.
This is your year you magnificent Creator, what on Earth are you waiting for?

Copyright © Andrew Martin. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter or edit it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include the site link:


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