The Little Things

heartsOne morning not too long ago I was getting ready for my 9-5 job. The shirt that I planned to wear was wrinkled and at the time I didn’t have an ironing board. The only way I could press my shirt, was to lay out a towel across the top of my dresser and have that serve as my makeshift ironing board. It wasn’t a horrible way to iron a shirt, but it certainly left a lot to be desired. I remember saying out loud to nobody in particular: “I really would love an ironing board…nothing fancy, just a basic one for those occasions when I need to iron a piece of clothing.” I continued getting dressed and didn’t think about it again for the rest of the day. That night, as I was walking home from work, I came around the corner of my building and noticed an ironing board propped up against the wall outside my apartment. “Um, this is weird”, I thought. I live in the corner unit of a small building, so I don’t really have any neighbors. At the time the unit right next to me was empty, so there was no logical explanation for the ironing board that was innocently leaning up against the side of my building. I stood there for a minute and a knowing surfaced that said “This is for you, remember this morning when you asked for an ironing board? Well, here it is”. I laughed to myself and took the ironing board into my apartment.

A few weeks later, I was cleaning my place on a sunny, Saturday. I had just bought a new houseplant and was trying to figure out where it was going to live and was looking for a pot to put it in. Over the years, I have collected a nice bunch of vintage pottery that I use for all of my plants. Something about having a plant live in the ugly, green, plastic container that it comes in seems so sad to me. As I tried all of my pots, I realized that I didn’t have one in my collection that was big enough. I said to myself: “I want a new pot for my new plant. Nothing fancy, just a nice piece of pottery big enough to hold the newest addition to my plant family”. I set the plant close to the window and kept cleaning. About an hour later, as I was washing my bedroom windows, I looked out across the alley to the back of the neighboring building and saw a big, ceramic, pot sitting on the ground, close to the dumpster.
“Wait, was that pot there a few minutes ago?” I swear I hadn’t seen it earlier that morning. I stared out at the pot and thought that there was no way that it had just appeared. I figured that someone must be repotting a plant and continued on with my chores. About 30 minutes later, I looked out the window again and saw that the pot was now sitting right next to the dumpster with a few other items that were clearly being thrown away. So, I walked across the alley to take a closer look. It was exactly the size and style that I needed. Nothing too fancy…just a nice piece of pottery big enough to hold my new plant. I brought it inside and stared at it, incredulous that it had just “shown up” the way that it had.

Around the same time, I was involved with a guy that was bringing up all sorts of issues for me. It was definitely one of those toxic relationships in which we learn a lot about ourselves. It was a valuable experience to be sure, but it certainly wasn’t enjoyable. After months of “on again/off again” we had finally reached a point where I was willing to let go and move on. However, being in the same city and working in the same neighborhood was still too close for my comfort. One night after a particularly exhausting day of fretting over him, I said to myself “I wish that he would just go away and that I would never have to see him again.” Fast forward to a few weeks later and I had some of his gym clothes that I needed to get back to him, so I texted him to let him know. His response was: “I don’t live in Seattle anymore, I’ve suddenly had to move back home, so you can just toss them”. I was stunned…an ironing board or a piece of pottery was one thing, but a person? I was literally speechless. It gave me chills all over my body. I couldn’t believe it!
So what’s the point to all of this? What do an ironing board, a plant pot and a guy that I wanted out of my life all have in common? Quite simply: Our thoughts do create our reality. One of my favorite Abraham Hicks quotes is: “It is as easy to create a castle as a button. It’s just a matter of whether you’re focused on a castle or a button.”

Up until the above examples, I believed in the Law of Attraction as a concept and I certainly believed that we do create our own versions of reality…but I really didn’t have any immediate, concrete examples of it.
Now whenever I doubt my own power as a divine creator, all I have to do is remember those events and I know, without a shadow of a doubt that I AM a creator. That WE ARE creators and that life only and always responds to our vibration.
So what do you want? Whatever it is, create it, wish it, envision it to life. The Law of Attraction must and will comply.
I know this much is true, and I have the ironing board, the piece of pottery and the end of an unhealthy relationship to prove it.

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